Carmageddon Wiki
Hot Rod
Carmageddon's Hot Rod powerup icon. Carmageddon II's Hot Rod powerup icon. Carmageddon TDR 2000's Hot Rod powerup icon. Carmageddon (PlayStation)'s Hot Rod powerup icon. Carmageddon 64's Hot Rod powerup icon.
A powerup in Carma, Carma2, CarmaTDR, CarmaPS, Carma64
Type Car
Use Timed
Amount 30 seconds
3 seconds (CarmaTDR)
20 seconds (Carma64)

The Hot Rod is a powerup that drastically increases the car's acceleration to a dangerous amount; it also tweaks the suspension, making the car's front lift up while driving. The increased speed and difficult turning mean this powerup can only be safely used in a straight line, and even then, if a hard obstacle appears ahead it could spell damage.

For fun, players usually add this cheat along with Gravity From Jupiter to cancel the suspension effect.


To obtain it with cheats, press 5 when in cheat mode or type IGLOOFUN.

Technical data[]

Code number 5
Icon chotrod.PIX
Fizzle type 0
Action index 9
Float parameters Speed factor: 8

Grip multiplier: 2.2
Front suspension give multiplier: 1.0
Rear suspension give multiplier: 1.5
Front extra ride height: 0.0
Rear extra ride height: 0.15
Damping multiplier: 1.5

Integer parameters none
Group inclusion 7
Pratcam sequence 38
Net type (?) 0

Carmageddon II[]

One can cancel it with the Afterburner.

To obtain it with cheats, press 5 when in cheat mode or type CLINTONCO.

Technical data[]

Code number 5
Icon hotrod
Fizzle type 0
Action index 9
Float parameters Speed factor: 8

Grip multiplier: 2.2
Front suspension give multiplier: 1.0
Rear suspension give multiplier: 1.5
Front extra ride height: 0.0
Rear extra ride height: 0.15
Damping multiplier: 1.5

Integer parameters none
Group inclusion 7
Pratcam sequence 38
Flags (?) 4

Carmageddon: TDR 2000[]

Nothing to note.

Carmageddon (PlayStation)[]

Sometimes the icon for this powerup is a single-lined arrow instead.

Carmageddon 64[]

Nothing to note.

See also[]

External links[]
