Carmageddon Wiki

Amongst the data files inside Carmageddon IIs DATA folder, the savedgames.ars file stores the savegame slots.

The file consists of blocks of 808 bytes. Each block is a save game slot. As the game is played, slots are added. The file does not have a fixed size and can handle many blocks.

Content of a slot[]

20130206 Sample C2 save game slot

A sample Carmageddon 2 slot in hex format.

Each slot stores:

  • Slot version
  • Player name
  • Save date/time
  • APO and max APO
  • Current car
  • Current race
  • Is mission race enabled
  • Bought cars
  • Other undocumented information like race stats

For the items above, the information is not encrypted and can be edited by Carmeditor 2.

Binary structure[]

The file is organized in the Little-endian format (most significant byte on the right).

Nearly full hex mapping of a game slot.
Offset Size Description Sample
0x000 4 bytes Format version. Usually 78 56 34 12
0x004 11 bytes Player name, null (0x0) terminated string. Shut
0x00F 3 bytes Unknown. 00 3C 01
0x012 10 bytes Chosen car's text file. SEMI2.TXT
0x01C 22 bytes Unknown.
0x032 10 bytes Save date, padded with null (0x0). 29/12/98
0x03C 22 bytes Unknown.
0x052 8 bytes Save time, padded with null (0x0). 2:18:30
0x05A 426 bytes Unknown.
0x204 4 bytes - int32 Credits. 2A 2C 0A
0x208 4 bytes Difficulty as 0=easy, 1=normal and 2=hard. 01 00 00 00
0x20C 4 bytes Probably filler. 00 00 00 00
0x210 4 bytes - int32 Bought cars count. 0A
0x214 240 bytes - 60 int32 Bought cars array, each int32 is a bought car index. 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 (...)
0x304 4 bytes - int32 Current car. 00 00 00 00 for the Eagle 3.
0x308 4 bytes - int32 Current race. 04 00 00 00 for group 2, race 1.
0x30C 4 bytes - int32 Mission enabled boolean (as int32). 01 00 00 00 to enable mission of current group.
0x310 12 bytes - 3 int32 APO structure, order is Armor, Power and Offensive. 0F 00 00 00 1E 00 00 00 1E 00 00 00 means each maxed at 30, except Armor, with 15.
0x31C 12 bytes - 3 int32 APO slots structure, order is Armor slots, Power slots and Offensive slots. 19 00 00 00 1A 00 00 00 1B 00 00 00 means 25, 26 and 27 slots, respectively.

010 Editor[]

This editor allows one to open a hex file with templates. Templates allow the user to quickly see what parts of the file mean what in raw hex mode. For a template and more info about SAVEDGAMES.ARS, please read this page.
